Get a multi-brand card of up to €60

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Promotion valid:

07/16/2024 - 10/17/2024

Reward date:

November 2024

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What’s the promotion?

Get a multi-brand card of up to €60 when you take out your Zurich Home Insurance1, sold by Openbank.

Promotion valid from 17/07/2024 until 17/10/2024 (both inclusive).

How can you get yours?

Just follow these simple steps: Find out more

What are the terms and conditions for taking part?

Don’t forget to join the promotion! Find out more

Please note that …

Receipt of the incentive constitutes investment income in kind, subject to tax payment on account at a rate of 19%, which will be applied by Openbank in accordance with current tax regulations. This tax payment on account will not affect customers. Customers must declare the market value of the received incentive, plus the tax payment on account not passed on, in the general tax base of their personal income tax (IRPF) return. They will also be entitled to deduct the tax payment on account in their personal income tax (IRPF) return.Find out more

This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other home insurance promotions with a prize/direct incentive offered by Openbank or Zurich during the same period, unless otherwise stated in said promotion.

1Open Bank, S.A., Linked Bancassurance Operator, with D.G.S.F.P registration No. OV-0081, marketing the Home Insurance offered by Zurich Insurance Europe AG, Sucursal en España through its distribution network. Civil liability and financial capacity are covered pursuant to the applicable law. It has valid agency contracts with Zurich Insurance Europe AG, Sucursal en España, and Zurich Vida, Compañia de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.

2 Restrictions apply. For further details, visit: