Digital Protection Insurance

Feel protected online with Telefónica Seguros

Extensive digital coverage

Extensive digital coverage

Against online financial fraud, identity theft, extortion, home system threats, cyberbullying, and more!
Say NO to cyber attacks

Say NO to cyber attacks

This insurance offers an online data monitoring service and anti-extortion software (ransomware).
24/7 support

24/7 support

It is a remote support platform for resolving any questions related to cyber risks.
Everything protected.

Everything protected

Your whole family will be covered with one single policy.

What happens in the event of a cyber attack if you're covered?

Digital Protection Insurance will cover:

Reimbursement of costs incurred2 by a cyber attack: online financial fraud, legal defence and psychological costs in the event of cyberbullying.
Other costs arising from an attack such as the removal of unwanted information on the internet and the recovery of hacked data or accounts.
The 24/7 service provides access to technicians who will advise you throughout the process.
 Seguro de Protección Digital de Telefónica

Why is cyber-attack protection important?

Technology is an integral part of our day-to-day. We are increasingly conducting more processes and procedures online, but cyber attacks continue to get more sophisticated each and every day. That’s why the best way to be prepared is to have your back covered.

Take out your Digital Protection Insurance with Telefónica Seguros from their website.

1 You will be redirected from the Openbank page to the Telefónica Seguros website.

2 Both the amount of reimbursements and the costs of data erasure or recovery will depend on the sum insured in the policy.

Digital Protection Insurance of Telefónica Seguros y Reaseguros Compañía Aseguradora, S.A.U., with NIF: 05362645 and address in Madrid, Distrito Telefónica, Ronda de la Comunicación, s/n, Edificio Oeste. 2, Planta 2. 28050 Madrid. Registered with the DGSFP with code C0810 and is a Non-Life insurer.

This product can only be taken out through Telefónica Seguros y Reaseguros Compañía Aseguradora, S.A.U. Open Bank, S.A., only provides you with information about it. If you have any questions or concerns related to the product and/or how to take it out, please contact Telefónica Seguros directly at