This number is indicative of the product's risk, with 1/6 indicating the lowest risk and 6/6 the highest risk.

Invest with Artificial Intelligence

Leverage the latest technology to discover potential investment opportunities in more than 1,000 stocks in Europe and the United States

Price calculation
Discover the price target of more than 1,000 stocks in 1, 3, 6 and 12 months.
Powered by Artificial Intelligence
Historical data, trends and events that impact the performance of a stock are analysed.
Forecast models for each stock
Each company has its own unique machine learning model based on over 2,000 variables.
Stay ahead of the market
Make your decisions to buy or sell, getting ahead of potential market movements.

Track changes in the 3-month price target for 5 stocks in Europe and the United States

market_flag MADRID, ES | ISIN: ES0148396007

*Price 25 Mar: €45.76 l *3-month price target €50.90

market_flag PARIS, FR | ISIN: FR0000121014

*Price 25 Mar: €825.50 l *3-month price target €931.36

market_flag MADRID, ES | ISIN: ES0130670112

*Price 25 Mar: €16.74 l *3-month price target €16.22

market_flag NEW YORK, U.S. | ISIN: US7170811035

*Price 25 Mar: $27.43 l *3-month price target $28.91

market_flag NEW YORK, US | ISIN: US0378331005

*Price 25 Mar: $170.85 l *3-month price target $167.88


*The prices targets and trading prices shown for each stock are gross of fees excluding costs and are updated on a monthly basis. For daily updates of the prices of these 5 stocks as well as others, log in to your Customer Area. The data shown here have been updated as of 25/03/2024. Source of price target: Eye Performance. Source of price: Refinitiv. This data is independent and may vary from any price target provided in other services offered by the Group. Price targets are not personalised recommendations, nor do they constitute a contractual element, advice, or a personalised invitation to buy or sell financial instruments or to carry out any other transaction; therefore, it will be the customer who, on their own initiative, will decide to buy or sell the equity instruments shown. A buy or sell transaction of an equity instrument executed by the customer will be subject to buy and sell fees, which vary according to the amount: for domestic markets up to €75,000, it corresponds to 0.20% (minimum €10); between €75,000 and €100,000, 0.15%; and over €100,000, 0.09%. For international markets, it corresponds to 0.20% (minimum €30). In addition, the custody fee is 0.15% in domestic markets (minimum €12) and 0.60% in international markets (minimum €10) and is charged every year on a quarterly basis. For further information about our fees, please consult our Fee Schedule .

Wealth of information to invest at your fingertips

Unlock investment opportunities by staying up to speed on the potential prices of a company in 4 different time horizons. On the back of analysing a wide range of factors (macroeconomic, corporate ...) that can impact the price of a stock, Artificial Intelligence gathers information that can help you make informed decisions on when to buy or sell shares.

Bear in mind that every investor is required to monitor the performance of their investment at all times.

Your investment powered by the latest technology

Artificial Intelligence is capable of processing and analysing large volumes of information in real time. One of its branches, Machine Learning, uses algorithms to identify patterns in data sets and make forecasts. It is important to note that these forecasts may vary in relation to the final stock price data.

In this case, Machine Learning models identify factors that influence the behaviour of a stock over time, including historical and current patterns, emerging trends or the impact of geopolitical events on companies.

By drawing learnings from the past, it is possible to calculate a stock's 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month price target. Based on this data and the latest available stock price, the percentage increase or decrease that each stock may experience in each of the time periods is calculated, and may constantly vary. For the most up-to-date data, log in to your Customer Area.

Forecast models for each stock for more accurate results

Each stock has its own Machine Learning model that analyses the impact of more than 2,000 variables according to the profile or conditions of the company, in turn obtaining the result of the price target for each one.

These models are continuously trained and optimised, ensuring that the prices are updated daily in your Customer Area, not to mention increasingly more accurate.

Bear in mind that any investment carries some level of risk, including the lack of return, loss of invested capital and/or foreign exchange risk for non-euro-denominated products. The value of the investment is subject to market fluctuations; therefore, simulated performance data are not a reliable indicator of future results, which are predictions that may vary depending on the final trading data. Investors are responsible for monitoring the performance of their investment at all times. The information provided through this tool is of an advertising nature and is not subject to the requirements related to investment research. As it is not a type of independent analysis, the price targets provided by this tool have not been prepared in accordance with legal provisions aimed at promoting the independence of investment research, and there is no prohibition against investing prior to disclosure.

Want to learn more?

What is a price target?

How can I buy these stocks?

What charges will I incur when buying or selling these stocks?

What criteria have we used to select the 5 stocks displayed on this page?

What is a price target?

It is the potential price for a stock that is calculated for a specific time period. With regard to this tool, thanks to the analysis and processing of the factors that influence the performance of each stock, the Machine Learning models (specific to each company) obtain the price target of each one.

The percentage is the forecasted increase or decrease on the latest trading price of a stock for a specific time horizon (1, 3, 6 and 12 months).

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Want to get in touch with us?

We make it simple. Give us a call on 91 117 33 16 or 900 10 29 38 and our team of investment specialists will be happy to help (Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

91 177 33 16 or 900 10 29 38


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We will call you back using the phone number and name provided. We will not store or use this information for any other purpose. For further information on the legal aspects of this process, specifically how we protect your privacy, click here.

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