This risk indicator corresponds to the Open Young Savings Account.
This number is indicative of the product's risk, with 1/6 indicating the lowest risk and 6/6 the highest risk
Member Bank of Spain's Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit institutions. For cash deposits, the maximum guaranteed amount is up to €100,000 per depositor in each credit institution.

Open Young Savings Account

It’s never too early to start saving

Savings that grow with them
Balance from €1 to €1,000,000 at 0.15% APR1 and annual NIR. Earn interest every month!
Saving at their pace
Deposit as much and as often as you want until they turn 18.
Full access to savings
Withdraw all or some of the money, and the interest earned, at any time.
No fees or charges
Open, maintain, close and send transfers with no charges or fees.
Boost their savings
From little steps to giant leaps
  • Deposit funds from €1 and earn interest on the balance up to €1,000,000.
  • Earn interest at 0.15% APR1 and annual NIR.
  • Accrue interest from the first day and receive it every month.
Digital and flexible saving
Forget the piggy bank!Find out more
No fees or charges
We’re here to help you save … for free!Find out more

See Pre-Contractual Information and Fee Information Document for the Open Young Savings Account

Want to learn more about the Open Young Savings Account?
What is the Open Young Savings Account?
Who is the account holder?
Are there any fees?
How can you open the Open Young Savings Account?
What happens with the Open Young Savings Account when the child reaches the age of 18?
Need more information?

1 Example of interest with a constant balance of €6,000 held for the first year at 0.15% APR and 0.15% annual NIR: gross annual interest of €9.