Protecting the planet

Reducing our environmental impact

We work towards achieving a better and more sustainable future, which is why protecting the planet is key in reaching our goals.

What is a carbon footprint?

What is a carbon footprint?

Everyone, every day, generates greenhouse gas emissions through their activities.

A carbon footprint makes up all emissions generated by humans, organisations, events and products that build up in the atmosphere, both directly and indirectly, and that exacerbate climate change.

That’s why Openbank is taking steps to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 in the financing and investment services we offer.

A fairer business model

This environmental commitment also extends to our business model, developing more sustainable products and services.



All of our robo-advisor automated investment service portfolios include at least 50% of funds with environmental, social and good governance criteria.



90% of our cards are made from recycled PVC-R. We aim to hit the 100% mark in 2024 and further encourage the use of virtual cards to reduce the emissions generated from the use of virgin plastic.


Recycling, recycling, recycling

As part of our efforts to protect the planet, we’ve installed recycling points in our Madrid branches to recycle any plastic cards no longer used and to convert them into urban furniture, such as plant pots and benches.

Un futuro más sostenible empieza hoy

A more sustainable future starts today

Commitment starts from within. That’s why every year all Openbank employees take part in Open Ecoweek, where we host workshops and talks with professionals who teach and encourage us to build a more sustainable future.

Sostenibilidad Ambiental

Want to learn more?



We plant trees to combat climate change.

Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint

What is your impact on the environment?



How can you travel whilst preserving nature?


GOLD LEED Certification

Our Madrid headquarters has earned the GOLD LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification, which ranks us as a sustainable building with the best conditions for employee well-being. This certification was awarded by the US Green Building Council, which promotes the development of buildings with sustainable and high-efficiency criteria.